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Раздел в разработке. В ближайшее время мы всё проэкспедицируем. Humans are a dangerous species. They caused irreversible harm to the biome. Much was exterminated due to our activity. Much more nears extinction. Is it possible to bring losses back? That is the wrong question. How to live together with the loss and the lost? That is the right one. This story puts forward an idea of a park which is rather unlikely to any preservationist effort. A park for modes of existence and subsistence which we call omnipark.
Humans are a dangerous species. They caused irreversible harm to the biome. Much was exterminated due to our activity. Much more nears extinction. Is it possible to bring losses back? That is the wrong question. How to live together with the loss and the lost? That is the right one. This story puts forward an idea of a park which is rather unlikely to any preservationist effort. A park for modes of existence and subsistence which we call omnipark.

That would not be a place for conservation of existing creatures or practices. Life goes far beyond anything that can be enumerated. It re-incarnates in a somewhat different manner. In the remote part of Siberia we unleash what comes after progress – chimeras. Chimeric entities are the product of emergent assemblage of the parts of highly diverse and yet neighbouring backgrounds. Omnipark would disseminate these metastable forms.

New domains of knowledge and practice would emerge out of chimeric proliferation. They include ghost geographies, ethereal architectures, and other subsistent forms that are vital despite being dead or disembodied. Omnipark favours para-normal life (not “new normality”) for all collectives, all “we” that ever happened or would happen to be.